



Setup and Working with Quantitative, Categorical, or Tabular Data

Python 1: Installation and Setup

Get started with Python by working with the Anaconda or Miniconda Python systems

Python 2: Working with Data

Learn to work with strings, numerical data, and lists in Python

Python 3: Working with two-dimensional datasets

Learn to work with dataframes and tabular data using Python's Pandas package.

Python 4: Working with World Bank Open Data using Python's Pandas Package

Learn to work with country-level data since 1960 from World Bank Open Data using Python's Pandas package. You can try either a step-by-step tutorial or copy and paste a full program for working with World Bank Data in Python with explanations embedded in it.

Python 5: Visualizing Datasets using Python and Pandas

Learn to create some basic charts and graphs from your dataframes using Python's Pandas package.